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            Our Annual Homeowner’s Association meeting on Monday, January 27th was well attended by community members. Many exciting updates were shared and three Board positions were filled by a vote of attending members.


            Our President, John Kelner, and our Member-at-Large, Chuck Berster, have been on our Board for many, many years and decided it was time to "retire." We are very grateful for their service which has benefitted us all.


                                                   A big “Thank You!” to John and Chuck!


            Our 2025 Board Members are:   Billy Ames-McCormick, President

                                                                             Perry Steele, Vice President

                                                                            Marc Pavoncello, Treasurer

                                                                            Dave Bear, Secretary

                                                                            Michelle Shiver, Member-at-Large


         Information was shared on work that has been done as well as on future plans. 


        Below are highlights:


  • Loyalty Lawn is no longer our landscape, irrigation and mowing company due to the unsatisfactory job done at our Jade and Bliss entrances as well as general upkeep.

  • We have a new mowing service, Dana.

  • Billy has volunteered to handle the maintenance of our irrigation systems until a new vendor can be procured.

  • Billy worked on the deck at the lake so that it is now safe for use.  Further work will be done to secure the stepping stones.

  • Many of our palm trees are old and costing us money to maintain.  The Board will work on a solution.

  • The Board voted to disband the Architectural Review Committee and will be directly responsible for reviewing requests by homeowners for construction projects.  Homeowners still need to submit a Design Approval Request -- all information is located on our website ( under the FAQ tab or under the Members Only – Governing Documents page.

  • The Board would like to start community-wide, social activities.

  • In the future, when plantings are needed in common areas, Florida Friendly plants requiring little maintenance will be considered.

  • The Board intends to step up Care and Appearance deed restriction maintenance byhomeowners, including mailboxes.


                 At the end of the meeting, 4 lucky homeowners won door prizes – Congratulations!


A beautiful Sarasota neighborhood located off Wilkinson and Bliss Roads between Honore and McIntosh.


Emerald Gardens Homeowners' Association
c/o Pinnacle Community Association Management

P.O. Box 21058

Sarasota, FL. 34276-4058


Caitlin King, Community Association Manager

Email Caitlin with requests for Estoppel and other documents or questions.



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Copyright 2021   Emerald Gardens Homeowners Association


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