Our Annual Homeowner’s Association meeting on Monday, January 27th was well attended by community members. Many exciting updates were shared and three Board positions were filled by a vote of attending members.
Our President, John Kelner, and our Member-at-Large, Chuck Berster, have been on our Board for many, many years and decided it was time to "retire." We are very grateful for their service which has benefitted us all.
A big “Thank You!” to John and Chuck!
Our 2025 Board Members are: Billy Ames-McCormick, President
Perry Steele, Vice President
Marc Pavoncello, Treasurer
Dave Bear, Secretary
Michelle Shiver, Member-at-Large
Information was shared on work that has been done as well as on future plans.
Below are highlights:
Loyalty Lawn is no longer our landscape, irrigation and mowing company due to the unsatisfactory job done at our Jade and Bliss entrances as well as general upkeep.
We have a new mowing service, Dana.
Billy has volunteered to handle the maintenance of our irrigation systems until a new vendor can be procured.
Billy worked on the deck at the lake so that it is now safe for use. Further work will be done to secure the stepping stones.
Many of our palm trees are old and costing us money to maintain. The Board will work on a solution.
The Board voted to disband the Architectural Review Committee and will be directly responsible for reviewing requests by homeowners for construction projects. Homeowners still need to submit a Design Approval Request -- all information is located on our website (www.emeraldgardenshoa.com) under the FAQ tab or under the Members Only – Governing Documents page.
The Board would like to start community-wide, social activities.
In the future, when plantings are needed in common areas, Florida Friendly plants requiring little maintenance will be considered.
The Board intends to step up Care and Appearance deed restriction maintenance byhomeowners, including mailboxes.
At the end of the meeting, 4 lucky homeowners won door prizes – Congratulations!